jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013


                                            My Little girl.. Perfect photo and Perfect Shop

When I get married I loved going the small stores Gourmets, and I did not have to buy diapers, wipes, toilet paper in bulk .. yeah, that kind of thing now go to COSCO Supermarket. (some friends love it)

                                     Happy Times without Ipod, Ipad, etc..

In that supermarket  Gourmets the fruit and vegetables was fantastic and employees treated you like a Queen...

But...Now in Aldi is another thing, which is what you think when you have to throw things in the trolley and then put it in the bags .. Double work! finally, the quality and the price worthwhile.

Anyway all this changes as you have children, not better or worse, not thinking but change!

                             I can't belive it.. but.. sometime Happen..

Currently, in my case has turned a challenge, I have four children under five years and another on the way, and buying is a constant battle of obstacles.

The first is to look for the Trolley, and in those tiny seats, trying to put the feet that never want to get, even worse is when the kids want to be where you have to put everything or will hang on the sides.

Once installed in the car, we started buying list in hand, continually enduring "I want this" I want the other "we have survived and all children around .. NOOOOOO missing one, run, calling his name and looks at all the supermarket, always the same ... finally appears ..
At the checkout, you start to see 100 articles you had not gotten you at any time, go away ...

Finally give them a lollipop to everyone, because we are all well, that blackmails mother occasionally to children in times of stress .., is wrong, but it is inevitable .. gradually and with peace!

We go with the trolley as we can, tried the straight line, and suddenly one of those gadgets that you try to avoid, the carrousel, cute when you have time and you go with your dear husband, but when you're in a hurry, exhausted and the baby wants eat and sleep .. these beautiful carrousels are not so ... posibble running as much advance .. "Tomorrow, really my darling, tomorrow"

I got to the car, and another adventure leave the purchase, putting children, leave the trolley in its row, and start your car ...Ufff  TEST PASSED!, Hoping that you are not forgetting anything to not have to go back!

Well, we have explained a routine purchase with the kids, but it's also funny how you are helping as they grow, every time they ask for less stuff and everything is fleeting, grow and even this would miss.

In conclusion, be happy with what you have and patience, in the past always see them happy .. don't you think?

But....  I prefer shopping for clothes and alone! But for me.. is a dream.. Maybe sometime or maybe not... 


Ele xox

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