lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

I'm pregnant, what does it mean?

We're crazy, I'm a rabbit, we should not have television, responsible parenthood ....The answer is yes to everything and also accept in life, things as they come, so I'm happy!

I guess it's hard to understand that after my last daughter who has Down Syndrome and get pregnant again after seven months, and that this can be accepted positively, but the reality is so.

As a mother of course I have sometimes fear, maybe was not the best, but always in every circumstance takes something really positive. We have achieved even something as painful as the death of a child and what I bring to our lives we Beltran is a true gift and it still is.

I'm not a masochist, I would love my son to live, but what that is worth what we lose if we do not value what we have? and what we have is a lot !!

  • Are We Crazy?

Absolutely YES! I have never considered a normal person, each one of us is special in something, I think I am especially about having children …But we are crazy because if we analyze and think, as this youth, economics, life having 12 children is crazy.

But my perspective is different, that you have 2 or 3 children do not try to multiply by 4, to imagine how it is to have 12, The parents of large families organize ourselves differently, the role of the brothers is essential, care for each other , love, fight, but their relationship is consistent support for the good organization of the house, not better or worse, just different.

There are People,  crazy of work, crazy of power, crazy of money, and big families I think we're crazy of LOVE and generosity, and I think between power, money, work, love is the only thing that the more is given, more grows, of course, also in the small families.

I'm glad this madness, we live every day.

  • I'm a Rabbit!!
This phrase has been much controversy in these last days so the Pope Francis said,  I love the Pope and what it conveys!

I think there are also people who change anything for after the attack, but what I draw much attention people who insults large families, I really do not understand that bother them, nor they me pay my bills or help with baths, I had to hear and see terrible things! Please enough! live and let live!

Anyway, I do not feel identified with a rabbit and the words of Pope think it was from the affection because I am Catholic and therefore not have many children, there is an ideology, it is a decision to be or not,  now to life.

We are free and adults, couples without children, with two and ten, everyone decides what he wants and what he can, because it's not just money as some think, I think it's more a question of time, that is what most afraid I have, as long as I have and I must dedicate, but always end is achieved doing homework with them, read a story, pray with them ..

We live in a day, and this leads us to the third point is:  

  • Responsible Parenthood.

When we are parents, we are committed to feed, care, give love, protect and respect, educate and especially our children to be happyby instilling values, I think this in large families do and lots, since everything is duplicated and above all the love and affection.

For us, children are a gift from God, we are open to life, our possibilities in terms of time, every day we grow more to give, when I got married at never  thought to have so many children, but when I  see each one, I' m the happiest woman in the world and proud of what we have been doing little by little, I can only give thanks God. 

Economically it is more difficult,We need to prioritize our needs, worst and I am ashamed to say, is that I'm not very good with expenses, what are we can not afford luxuries, but always something that allows us, happens to eat one day all together, and it's a Grand Prix for all the things that used seemed ordinary we are now outstanding! We value all much more!

  • Do I have TV?
This phrase I have heard almost daily, and it does not bother me, I like to watch movies, go out, enjoy life, and I actually think I enjoyed every second of relaxation we are entitled after handling 10 children.

For me, my husband comes first, I've always said, I am impressed those mothers who turn to their children while they are always tired, man must take care and spoil him, love of children is unconditional, but the husband and women have to work every day. So I got pregnant pretty easily! Normal! Do Not?

I admit never to having made my life a paper with pros and cons that means to have a son, and you are always seeing cons, wait … never is a good time to have a child, and for me it is not like buying a car or a house, or you have to have a couple to have a perfect family,also have to be healthy, my life is something else and I think the children give marriage more life and more love, I can not see the negative point that sometimes you have as that children take away time or have a child I can not go to the Fiji Islands, would not change anything if I went back ..

So I'm Pregnant and what? We are Happy! and I think the coming baby will be a blessing to Macarena.

I leave because I have to organize a 40th birthday party for the man of my life!


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